American beauty spaghetti sauce – Bex’s Kitchen

By Bex Smith | Published on February 19, 2024

Are you tired of the same old spaghetti sauce that lacks depth and flavor? Look no further, as I have discovered a recipe for American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce that will take your taste buds on an exciting journey! 

Bursting with robust flavors and carefully selected ingredients, this sauce is guaranteed to make your pasta dishes the envy of all others.

As a passionate food enthusiast, I have always enjoyed experimenting with various ingredients to create the perfect flavors. When it came to making a spaghetti sauce, I wanted a recipe that would satisfy the cravings of both family and guests. 

After countless trials and taste tests, I stumbled upon the incredible American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce recipe, which quickly became a household favorite.

Let’s dive into the ingredients and discover how they combine to create this delightful culinary masterpiece.

Best American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce

Descriptive Ingredients:

  • Salt: Salt is used to enhance the flavor of the spaghetti sauce by bringing out the natural taste of the other ingredients. It helps to balance the overall flavor profile and adds depth to the sauce.
  • Onion, chopped: Chopped onion is a common ingredient in spaghetti sauce as it adds a savory and aromatic flavor to the dish. Onions also provide texture and body to the sauce, enhancing its overall richness.
  • Pepper: Pepper adds a subtle spiciness and depth of flavor to the spaghetti sauce. It complements the other herbs and spices in the sauce and helps to balance the sweetness of the tomatoes.
  • Marjoram: Marjoram is a herb that adds a unique and aromatic flavor to the spaghetti sauce. It has a slightly sweet and citrusy taste, which enhances the overall complexity of the sauce.
  • American Beauty Spaghetti: American Beauty Spaghetti serves as the base for the dish, providing a hearty and satisfying component to the meal.
  • Ground beef: Ground beef adds protein and richness to the spaghetti sauce, making it more filling and satisfying. It also contributes a savory flavor that complements the other ingredients in the sauce.
  • Water: Water is used to thin out the sauce and adjust its consistency to desired thickness. It also helps to cook the spaghetti noodles and prevent them from sticking together.
  • Garlic, minced: Minced garlic adds a pungent and savory flavor to the spaghetti sauce. It enhances the overall taste of the dish and adds depth to its flavor profile.
  • Olive oil: Olive oil is used for sautéing the onions, garlic, and ground beef, adding richness and depth of flavor to the sauce. It also helps to coat the spaghetti noodles, preventing them from sticking together.
  • Parmesan cheese: Parmesan cheese adds a nutty and savory flavor to the spaghetti sauce. It melts into the sauce, enhancing its richness and adding a creamy texture.
  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes serve as the base of the spaghetti sauce, providing a rich and tangy flavor. They also contribute natural sweetness and acidity to the sauce, balancing its overall taste.
  • Chopped parsley: Chopped parsley adds freshness and color to the spaghetti sauce. It enhances the visual appeal of the dish and adds a subtle herbaceous flavor.
  • Tomato paste: Tomato paste is used to thicken the spaghetti sauce and intensify its flavor. It adds richness and depth to the sauce, creating a more robust and flavorful dish.
  • Canned mushrooms: Canned mushrooms add umami and earthy flavor to the spaghetti sauce. They provide additional texture and depth to the dish, enhancing its overall taste and complexity.
American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce

How to Make American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce:

Step 1: Preparing the Sauce Base

To start, heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and sauté until it turns golden brown, releasing its sweet aroma. This step sets the foundation for the entire sauce, infusing it with a rich and savory flavor.

Step 2: Browning the Ground Beef

Once the onion has cooked to perfection, it’s time to add the ground beef. Allow it to brown, stirring occasionally to ensure even cooking. The sizzling sound and enticing aroma will make your mouth water in anticipation.

Step 3: Flavorful Additions

As the ground beef reaches a delightful golden brown color, sprinkle in the minced garlic and chopped parsley. These ingredients add layers of fragrance and freshness, elevating the sauce to new heights.

Step 4: Tomato Power

Now comes the star of the show – the tomatoes. Open the No. 2 can of tomatoes and carefully pour them into the saucepan. The tangy and zesty flavor of tomatoes harmonizes with the other ingredients, providing a luscious and vibrant taste to the sauce.

Step 5: The Secret Ingredient

Unlock the flavor potential of this sauce by adding a can of tomato paste. The concentrated richness of tomato paste adds depth and a velvety texture to the sauce, intensifying the taste experience.

Step 6: Mushroom Magic

For those who appreciate a delightful umami taste, this step will be a treat. Open a small can of mushrooms and gently add them to the simmering sauce. The mushrooms release their earthy essence, intertwining with the other flavors to create a symphony of savory notes.

Step 7: Seasoning Sensation

Enhance the natural flavors with the perfect blend of seasoning. Sprinkle in the salt, pepper, and marjoram, carefully measured to ensure they complement the sauce harmoniously. These ingredients bring balance and depth to the dish, making it a truly unforgettable experience.

Step 8: Simmer and Blend

After adding all the ingredients, pour in a cup of water to reach the desired consistency. Allow the sauce to simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes, giving the flavors time to meld together in a perfect union. The kitchen will be filled with an irresistible aroma that will make everyone eagerly anticipate mealtime.

Recipe Notes:

– Onions: Opt for a sweet variety of onions to enhance the natural sweetness of the sauce.

– Ground Beef: You can also use ground turkey or chicken for a healthier alternative without compromising on flavor.

– Mushrooms: Experiment with different types of mushrooms to add diverse textures and flavors to your sauce.

– Parmesan Cheese: Sprinkle a generous amount of grated Parmesan cheese on top of your pasta to elevate the taste and add a luxurious touch.

Easy American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce

Recipe Variations:

1. Vegetarian Delight: Replace the ground meat with textured vegetable protein or diced tofu for a delightful vegetarian alternative.

2. Spicy Twist: Add a touch of red pepper flakes or diced jalapeños for those who enjoy a little heat in their sauce.

3. Mediterranean Inspiration: Infuse the sauce with Mediterranean flavors by adding black olives, capers, and a sprinkle of oregano.

American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce

American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce

Are you tired of the same old spaghetti sauce that lacks depth and flavor? Look no further, as I have discovered a recipe for American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce that will take your taste buds on an exciting journey! 
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Course: Main Course, sauce
Cuisine: American
Keyword: American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce
Servings: 8 Servings
Calories: 286kcal
Author: Bex Smith


  • Skillet or saucepan
  • Cooking pot for boiling spaghetti
  • Stirring utensil


  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 1/4 tsp. pepper
  • 1 tsp. marjoram
  • 1 12- or 16-oz. pkg. American Beauty Spaghetti
  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • 2 Tbs. olive oil
  • Parmesan cheese
  • 1 can tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup chopped parsley
  • 1 6-oz. can tomato paste
  • 1 small can mushrooms


Step 1: Preparing the Sauce Base

  • To start, heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and sauté until it turns golden brown, releasing its sweet aroma. This step sets the foundation for the entire sauce, infusing it with a rich and savory flavor.

Step 2: Browning the Ground Beef

  • Once the onion has cooked to perfection, it’s time to add the ground beef. Allow it to brown, stirring occasionally to ensure even cooking. The sizzling sound and enticing aroma will make your mouth water in anticipation.

Step 3: Flavorful Additions

  • As the ground beef reaches a delightful golden brown color, sprinkle in the minced garlic and chopped parsley. These ingredients add layers of fragrance and freshness, elevating the sauce to new heights.

Step 4: Tomato Power

  • Now comes the star of the show – the tomatoes. Open the No. 2 can of tomatoes and carefully pour them into the saucepan. The tangy and zesty flavor of tomatoes harmonizes with the other ingredients, providing a luscious and vibrant taste to the sauce.

Step 5: The Secret Ingredient

  • Unlock the flavor potential of this sauce by adding a can of tomato paste. The concentrated richness of tomato paste adds depth and a velvety texture to the sauce, intensifying the taste experience.

Step 6: Mushroom Magic

  • For those who appreciate a delightful umami taste, this step will be a treat. Open a small can of mushrooms and gently add them to the simmering sauce. The mushrooms release their earthy essence, intertwining with the other flavors to create a symphony of savory notes.

Step 7: Seasoning Sensation

  • Enhance the natural flavors with the perfect blend of seasoning. Sprinkle in the salt, pepper, and marjoram, carefully measured to ensure they complement the sauce harmoniously. These ingredients bring balance and depth to the dish, making it a truly unforgettable experience.

Step 8: Simmer and Blend

  • After adding all the ingredients, pour in a cup of water to reach the desired consistency. Allow the sauce to simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes, giving the flavors time to meld together in a perfect union. The kitchen will be filled with an irresistible aroma that will make everyone eagerly anticipate mealtime.


– Onions: Opt for a sweet variety of onions to enhance the natural sweetness of the sauce.
– Ground Beef: You can also use ground turkey or chicken for a healthier alternative without compromising on flavor.
– Mushrooms: Experiment with different types of mushrooms to add diverse textures and flavors to your sauce.
– Parmesan Cheese: Sprinkle a generous amount of grated Parmesan cheese on top of your pasta to elevate the taste and add a luxurious touch.


Calories: 286kcal
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can I freeze the American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce?

Absolutely! This sauce freezes exceptionally well, making it a convenient option for future meals. Simply store it in airtight containers or freezer bags for up to three months. Thaw and reheat whenever you have a craving for a delicious pasta dinner.

2. Can I substitute fresh tomatoes for canned tomatoes?

Certainly! While canned tomatoes provide a consistent flavor profile, you can substitute them with fresh tomatoes. However, adjust the cooking time accordingly to ensure the tomatoes break down and release their juices, creating a luscious sauce.

3. How can I make this recipe spicy?

To add a kick of heat to your sauce, consider adding red pepper flakes or finely diced jalapeños during the cooking process. Experiment with the quantities to achieve your desired level of spiciness.

4. What other herbs can I use besides parsley and marjoram?

Feel free to get creative with your herb choices! Basil, oregano, or thyme can also be used in combination with parsley and marjoram, adding their unique aromatic profiles to the sauce.

5. Is American Beauty Spaghetti sauce gluten-free?

While the sauce itself is gluten-free, it’s important to note that the choice of pasta can determine whether the entire dish is gluten-free. Look for gluten-free spaghetti or pasta options to ensure a complete gluten-free meal.

6. Can I use this sauce for other dishes?

Absolutely! This versatile sauce can be used beyond pasta dishes. Try using it as a base for homemade pizzas, dipping sauce for garlic bread, or even as a flavorful topping for grilled chicken or vegetables.


The American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce is an artful blend of ingredients that delivers a burst of flavors in every bite. Its versatility, from a classic spaghetti dish to an accompaniment for other culinary creations, makes it a must-have recipe in your repertoire.

Whether you’re a pasta lover seeking the perfect sauce or someone looking to impress guests with a homemade culinary delight, this sauce is the answer. Give it a try and savor the distinctive taste that the American Beauty Spaghetti Sauce brings to your table. 

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